Important dates
1st October 2017 - Please send, as attached documents, the abstract (200 - 250 words) translated in English, and the registration form to
15th October 2017 - For paper review by the Scientific Committee, we invite you to send the in extenso version, in electronic format, to the same e-mail address.
20th October 2017 - Acceptance for conference of submitted papers and recommendations
25th October 2017 - Final paper form deadline submission
24th November 2017 - Participation fee payment
Full papers will be sent for peer review and published in one of the upcoming issues of Food and Environment Safety Journal IF accepted by the review commitee.
Instructions for authors
The manuscript, translated in English, must be the final version according to the following instructions:
Text (max. 8 pages, even number of pages) will be written with TNR font, 12 pts, single spaced, distributed in the following sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References. The text will be written in two columns, after four spaces under the key words.
The page setup will be: A4 with margins: top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm, left 2,5 cm, right 2,5 cm, header 1,27 cm, footer 1,27 cm. Notice that the header and footer are different for the odd and even pages.
Paper title should be written with capitals, TNR 12, bold, centered.
Authors name will be written under title paper with TNR 11, centered, and will be preceded by a space. The affiliation contact address for the corresponding author will be written after one space with TNR 10, centered.
Abstract should be written in English languages with TNR 11 Italic, centered, after 3 spaces, should count 200-250 words and have a structured form, i.e. reflect the structure of a article (background, material and methods, results, conclusion).
Below the abstract, preceded by 1 space, keywords will appear in TNR 11 Italic. Key words should not repeat the title of the manuscript. Ideally, authors should use key words selected from the MeSH catalogue.
Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject and the proposed approach or solution. Experimental should be complete enough to allow experiments to be reproduced.
Results and Discussion should be presented with clarity and precision and should be explained, but largely without referring to the literature and should interpret the findings in view of the results obtained.
Conclusion section contains a few sentences at the end of the paper and concludes the results and discussions.
Illustrations and tables should be progressively numbered, following the order cited in the text. The same data should not be presented in both table and graph form. Formula should be clearly written and well separated from the text. Each formula should occupy one line.
References should be presented in consecutive order (as they are cited in the text). The first six authors should be presented. Journal title abbreviations should be in Medline standard. Citations in the text should be marked by Arab numbers in brackets or in the upper. Each citation item should be placed in a separate paragraph.