Disemination results

Articles published into ISI journals


1. Oroian, M., & Ropciuc, S. (2019). Romanian honey authentication using voltammetric electronic tongue. Correlation of voltammetric data with physico-chemical parameters and phenolic compounds. Computers and electronics in agriculture, 157, 371-379. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168169917307354  


2. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., Paduret, S., & Todosi, E. (2018). Rheological analysis of honeydew honey adulterated with glucose, fructose, inverted sugar, hydrolysed inulin syrup and malt wort. LWT, 95, 1-8. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0023643818303797  


3. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., & Paduret, S. (2018). Honey authentication using rheological and physicochemical properties. Journal of food science and technology, 55(12), 4711-4718. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13197-018-3415-4


4. Oroian, M., Paduret, S., Ropciuc, S., 2018, Honey adulteration detection: voltammetric e-tongue vs. official methods for physico-chemical parameter determination, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8956 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jsfa.8956/full


5. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., 2017, Botanical authentication of honeys based on Raman spectra, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, DOI: 10.1007/s11694-017-9666-3 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11694-017-9666-3


6. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., Paduret, S., 2017, Honey adulteration detection using Raman spectroscopy, Food Analitical Methods, DOI 10.1007/s12161-017-1072-2 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12161-017-1072-2


7. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., Paduret, S., & Sanduleac, E. T. (2017). Authentication of Romanian honeys based on physicochemical properties, texture and chemometric. Journal of food science and technology, 54(13), 4240-4250. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13197-017-2893-0


8. Oroian, M., & Ropciuc, S. (2017). Honey authentication based on physicochemical parameters and phenolic compounds. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 138, 148-156. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168169916308614


9. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., & Buculei, A., 2017, Romanian honey authentication based on physico-chemical parameters and chemometrics. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 11(2), 719-725 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11694-016-9441-x


10. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., Buculei, A., Pădureț, S., Todosi, E., 2016, Phenolic Profile of Honeydew Honeys from the North-East Part of Romania, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology, 73(1), 105 - 110.



Articles published into BDI journals


1. Oroian, M., Olariu, V., Ropciuc, S., 2018, Influence of aduleration agents on physico-chemical and spectral profile of different honey types, International Journal of Food Engineering, 4(1), 66-70


2. Ropciuc, S., Oroian, M., Paduret, S., Buculei, A., 2017, Honeydew honey adulteration: e-tongue and physico-chemical analyses, Food and Environment Safety, 16(2), 98-103


3. Ropciuc, S., Oroian, M., Paduret, S., 2017, E-tongue for Romanian honey authentication, Proceedings of the International Conference Agriculture and Food for the XXI Century, 84 - 89



Articles presented at conferences


1. Oroian, M., 2017, Romanian honey authentication using instrumental techniques – International Conference Agriculture and Food for the XXI Century, Sibiu, May 11-13, 2017


2. Ropciuc, S., Oroian, M., Olariu, V., 2017, Impact of adulteration with glucose, fructose and hydrolysed inulin syrup on honey physicochemical properties, Food and Environment Safety, 16(1), 54-60


3. Ropciuc, S., Oroian, M., Paduret, S., 2017, E-tongue for Romanian honey authentication – International Conference Agriculture and Food for the XXI Century, Sibiu, May 11-13, 2017


4. Oroian, M., Olariu, V., Ropciuc, S., 2017, Influence of adulteration agents on physicochemical and spectral profile of different honey types, Presentation paper at 4th International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition (ICFSN 2017) 13-15 march 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. Link


5. Oroian, M., Ropciuc, S., Buculei, A., Pădureț, S., Todosi, E., 2016, Phenolic profile of honeydew honeys from the north-east part of Romania. The 15th International Symposium PROSPECTS FOR THE 3rd MILLENNIUM AGRICULTURE, 29th September – 1st October, 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


6. Oroian, M., Todosi Sănduleac, E., Pădureț, S., 2016, Physico-chemical and textural properties of honeys from north east part of romania, Food and Environment Safety, 15(3), 234-239.